Lung Cancer – 4 Signs That You Might Be Ignoring

4 Signs Of Lung Cancer That You Might Be Ignoring

LUNG CANCER – In this article, we will learn about the 5 signs of lung cancer that you might be shrugging off.

This type of cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women. Its treatment is often more effective if diagnosed early.

Here are some of the signs of lung cancer that you might be ignoring:

Coughing up blood – If you happen to experience this, there definitely is a problem. If you experience this you should see a doctor immediately.

Lung Cancer - 4 Signs That You Might Be Ignoring
Image from: Pulmonary Associates

Although it’s not necessarily the case, you’d always want to get yourself tested as this is one of the early indications of cancer.

Chest Pain – You might want to pay attention to chest and back pains that don’t go away. There could be a tightness or a sharp pain that comes along with deep breathing.

Lung Cancer - 4 Signs That You Might Be Ignoring
Image from: Health Care At Home

It could also be experienced when you’re laughing or coughing. That’s because you could feel pain, where the tumor is located, said Raja Flores, MD, Chairman of Thoracic Surgery at Icahn School of Medicine.

Persistent Coughing – Based on an article from Reader’s Digest, coughing that doesn’t go away could be a serious sign of Lung Cancer.

Lung Cancer - 4 Signs That You Might Be Ignoring
Image from: UQ.Edu.Au

This is because cancer in the airway can irritate your throat. Because of this, you cough frequently and could produce mucus which worsens the condition.

Shortness of Breath – If you’re easily winded after doing simple tasks like climbing stairs or walking a few blocks, that could be a sign of Lung Cancer.

Lung Cancer - 4 Signs That You Might Be Ignoring
Image from: National Jewish Health

That’s because shortness of breath can be due to a tumor blocking the windpipe. Another reason for this can be an accumulation of fluid in the chest.

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