Students Forced To Wear Cardboard Boxes On Their Heads During Exam

Photos of Students Wearing Cardboard Boxes On Their Heads During Exam

STUDENTS – The students were forced to wear cardbord boxes to stop them from looking at their seatmate’s exam papers.

Teachers do not tolerate students to cheat in school because they it will surely affect their future. There is a great chance that they will cheat in other walks of their life too.

In the Philippines, a teacher went viral after she wrote jokes and “hugot lines” on student’s test folders. Lots of netizens enjoyed reader the teacher’s hilarious message on the folders.

Photo Source: Boxed Up

Meanwhile, a school in India asked their students to wear cardboard boxed on their heads while taking an exam. Based on a report from LadBible, the school was criticized after the photos of the students surfaced on social media.

The netizens said it’s absurd to place that object on their head just to prevent them from cheating. The school was forced to make a public apology.

Photo Source: Grade Calculator

According to the report, the photo of the students were taken on October 16 at the Bhagat Pre-University College. The officials of the school force the student to wear cardboard boxes on their heads to stop them from cheating.

The photo shows a row of students sitting down to take the exam with boxes covering their peripheral vision. There are holes in front of the box so they can only see their papers, but not their seatmate’s exam sheet.

Photo Source: Firenews

Based on the report, one of the school officials, MB Satish apologized for the use of the bizarre technique. They stopped the practice and have co-operated with the local education.

Here are the photos:

Photo Source: Dunya News
Photo Source: Dhaka Tribune

The viral photo of the students wearing cardboard box in their head elicited mixed reactions from the netizens. Here are some of their comments on the post:

@RetweetIndian: “Its symbolism. Schools want to create donkeys who would just follow orders.”

@ciarkirby2k19: “Guess their parents are gonna box their luggs in if they fail the exam”

@CurtisManley9: “Answers in the box?”

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