Here are the home remedies to get rid of ants
HOME REMEDIES – Here are the simple but yet effective home remedies in order to get rid of ants for good.
One of the basic problems that people experience at home is the attack of ants. These tiny crawlers can be annoying, especially when they are attacking your food. In line with this, here are the home remedies you can o in order to address this problem.

Baby powder
Sprinkling talc or baby powder in areas where you see ants and this might discourage them from coming back. Eric Sebring, an associate certified entomologist with Western Exterminator, said that “ants don’t like to cross the powder and get it on their bodies.”
Sprinkling cinnamon is another option to get rid of ants. Based on the article from Reader’s Digest, scientific research proved cinnamon to be effective for your ant problem, especially when you use the highly concentrated cinnamon essential oil. Aside from sprinkling, you can also saturate cotton balls with cinnamon essential oil and use them to wipe down known trails and entry spots.
Essential oils
Essentials oils like peppermint oil can work as a natural solution for a number of pest problems and the list includes ants. According to Sebring, “spraying peppermint oil can deter ants from coming into your home, and if you spray it directly on ants, it can kill them.” Clove essential oil is also effective in getting rid of ants as supported by other research.
Soap and water
Pour one part dishwashing soap to three parts water in a bucket. Then, pour the solution directly into the opening of the mound. “The water will drown the ants, while the soap will coat them so they suffocate,” Sebring explained.