Health Tips: 5 Ways To Trick Your Body Into Feeling Warmer On Cold Days

5 Health Tips That Trick Your Body Into Feeling Warmer

HEALTH TIPS – In this article, we will learn about 5 ways to trick our body’s into feeling warmer during cold days.

Focus on breathing – The way you breath can help keep you warm. Aside from blowing air into your hand, there are other breathing tips you could use.

Health Tips: 5 Ways To Trick Your Body Into Feeling Warmer On Cold Days
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A Tibetan practice called vase breathing is though to raise body temperature. Vase breathing includes holding the breath and contracting abdominal pelvic floor muscles.

Clothing – Studies suggest that wearing at least three layers of loose-fitting clothes provide optimal insulation during cold weather.

Health Tips: 5 Ways To Trick Your Body Into Feeling Warmer On Cold Days

According to an article from Reader’s Digest, wearing an inner layer of wool, silk or synthetic material keeps moisture from the body.

Eat Fatty Foods – To avoid feeling cold, you’re going to need something to fuel your body’s inner furnace.

Health Tips: 5 Ways To Trick Your Body Into Feeling Warmer On Cold Days
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Each time we consume food, our bodies produce some increased heat. Adding to this, the highest determinant for the thermogenic effect is calorie intake, taken in the form of fat.

Thinking Happy Thoughts – A study from the journal Emotion revealed that feeling nostalgia provides a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Health Tips: 5 Ways To Trick Your Body Into Feeling Warmer On Cold Days
Image from: Shutterstock

Participants of the study who recalled nostalgic events had a higher tolerance for intense cold versus ordinary once.

Sip something warm – Hot drinks and soup makes you feel warmer, that’s already a given fact. However, the mind plays a bigger role in warming up than the drink itself.

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Studies showed that part of the warming effect of hot drinks is the belief that you are heating up. This eventually makes you feel as though you are.

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