Empires – Why Do Empires Eventually Fall (Answers)

Answers To The Question: Why Do Empires Fall?

EMPIRES – Every single empire in the world eventually falls, look it up, there is not a single empire that exists in the current modern world, but why is that?

Empires - Why Do Empires Eventually Fall (Answers)
Image from: Business Insider

Well, empires fall for a host of reasons. Some empires fractures or declines slowly over years or decades.

For example, the roman empire fell after 200 years due to economic, military and government problems. Adding to this, the Byzantine empire rose and fell gradually over the next thousand years.

What is an empire? An empire consist of a central governing state that controls large amounts of territory. Oftentimes it has diverse populations.

According to an article from Khan Academy, empires for because of:

  • Economic issues
  • Social and Cultural issues
  • Environmental Issues
  • Political Issues

This is because the basic foundations of an empire are built upon the Three C’s. These are communication, commerce, and control.

Empires - Why Do Empires Eventually Fall (Answers)
Image from: Steam Community

In maintaining an empire, communication is key. You need to disseminate and acquire information quickly in order to respond appropriately to threats or problems that arise within the empire.

Commerce refers to the economic state of the empire. How do people gain finances, pay taxes?

Empires - Why Do Empires Eventually Fall (Answers)
Image from: Medieval News

When an Empire’s economic state declines, it means it’s weakened. You can no longer pay for your military powers, thus losing control.

The succession crisis is also one of the reasons why empires fall. The emperor dies and is disintegrated due to heirs or diadochs squabbling for power.

Rebellions and attacks are also one of the main reasons for an empire to lose control. Examples of this are the Mongol Empire and the Macedonian Empire.

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