Lawyers Worldwide Call On Duterte Admin To Protect PH Lawyers

Lawyers Worldwide Urges Duterte Admin To Give PH Lawyers Protection

LAWYERS WORLDWIDE – Organizations and members of the legal profession made a statement that expressed concern over the escalating attacks connected to Duterte’s anti-drug campaign.

Lawyers for lawyers, as well as 76 international groups made a statement to the Philippine government. They wanted the admin to take steps to stop the attacks against Philippine lawyers.

Lawyers Worldwide Calls On Duterte Admin To Protect PH Lawyers
Image by: Lawyers For Lawyers

The statement expressed their concern over the increasing attacks against legal practitioners in the Philippines. Furthermore, they emphasized that this increase occurred since the start of Duterte’s administration.

According to the statement, since Duterte took office on June 30, 2016, the number of attacks against them significantly increased. It stated that at least 41 lawyers were slain from July 2016 and September 5 2019.

The deaths included 24 practicing lawyers. Adding to this, they also stated that legal practioners are frequently harassed and intimidated.

These included death threats, surveillance, labelling, and other forms of attacks. Adding to this, they stated that at least 5 retired judges have been murdered since July 2016.

The majority of the attacks and killings of lawyers were the result of discharging professional duties. Other times, they are believed to be otherwise work-related.

Afterwards they stated that those at risk are lawyers who represent people accused of terrorism or drug related crimes. Journalists or political opposition leaders and human rights defenders are also at risk, the statement added.

In lieu of this, the organization had a couple of recommendations. These recommendations included:

  • Investigate promptly, effectively, thoroughly and independently all extrajudicial killings and attacks against lawyers
  • Take all reasonable measures to guarantee the safety and physical integrity of lawyers
  • Consistently condemn all forms of threats and attacks against lawyers publicly
  • Fully comply with and create awareness about the core values underlying the legal profession.

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