Facebook To Make Facial Recognition Technology An Opt-In Feature

Facebook To Make Facial Recognition Technology An Opt-In Feature

FACEBOOK – The company behind Facebook recently said that the facial recognition technology in photos will be an opt-in feature.

Photo uplifted from: Simply Communicate

According to ABS-CBN, the change that is now rolled out to users in the world is due to the pressure to fortify privacy and user data protection, which also includes protecting data via biometrics.

The company added the facial recognition feature at about 2 years ago. The feature went more than just suggesting friends to tag in pictures or videos as it also includes notifying the user when they are in photos which requires permission from them to be seen on the feed.

In a post by artificial intelligence applied research lead Srinivas Narayanan, they have done away with the tag suggestion setting in favor for an entire facial recognition which is off by default.

Narayanan further clarified that the tech does not recognize the users to strangers, further adding that they do not share it with third parties.

As per the report, for those who are new to the social media platform or who had the feature on will be notified by the platform about the feature setting as well as an easy way to turn it on if they choose to.

Narayanan further added that users will still be able to tag friends manually yet it won’t suggest users to be tagged as long as it is turned off, further adding that they also will not receive a notification.

This act is in lieu with concerns about recognizing faces by law enforcement and government agencies. This is also in lieu with the widespread use of the system for surveillance in areas of the world.

What do you think? How will you react to this? Let us know more about it.

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