Photo & Facts About “Aedes aegypti” – Mosquito Causing Dengue
MOSQUITO CAUSING DENGUE – Here is a photo and some facts about the mosquito that can cause dengue fever, a disease that is widespread now in the Philippines.
Sadly, several areas in the Philippines are suffering from outbreak of dengue fever now. Thousands of Filipinos are admitted in hospitals due to the said mosquito-borne disease.
Aside from the dengue patients in the hospitals, there are already a lot of people who died due to the said disease. It can affect both young and adult but the risk on kids is quite higher.
When left untreated, a dengue fever can elevate to a riskier form – it is what we call the severe dengue. This case is very serious as it may include internal bleeding already and severe abdominal pain.
Based on an article on Times of India, the mosquito causing dengue is the “Aedes aegypti”. Here is a photo and some facts about this type of mosquito.

The Aedes aegypti got “white lyre-shaped markings”. It is dark-colored and got banded legs. According to the article, it can survive all-year round and usually breeds in water with organic materials like algae and leaves.
Usually, this mosquito bites indoor and targets the ankle and the elbows. They are most active two(2) hours since the sunrise and several hours before the setting of the sun. There is also a possibility that it will bite at night.
To protect yourself and your loved ones, you may follow these tips below to prevent getting bites from mosquito causing dengue:
- Empty pits and containers containing water
- Use mosquito netting on infant stuff like strollers and cribs
- Always wear long sleeve, long pants, socks, and shoes
- Fill tree holes with sand or soil
READ ALSO: DENGUE SYMPTOMS – 8 Signs That A Person May Be Suffering From Dengue