NEVER GOOGLE – Random Things You Should Never Search In Google

Never Google these things!

NEVER GOOGLE – We listed down below some of the most random things and topics which you should never ever search in Google.

Everything has limitations and everyone should be aware that some of the things we see in Google are not true, a bit exaggerated or insanely dirty, especially when it is about ourselves. And so, we searched on some of the most random things and topics that we should not Google if we don’t want to get paranoid.

Never Google

Here are some things we should refrain from Googling:

  1. Disease Symptoms – A lot of websites have already emerged focusing on symptoms, treatments, and causes of a certain disease. Some may state facts but you should know that some of these sites are not managed with medical experts. Some cases occur that when you search for headache, Google will lead you to different types of migraine. Well, that was an exaggeration but in cases like your health, it is best to go to a doctor.
  2. Dangerous Animals – Searching these kind of topics accordingly develops a phobia. Truly, there are a lot of dangerous animals from various parts of the world and your fear might stop you from travelling as you want to avoid them.
  3. Blackhead Removal – This is quite odd, though. Watching this procedure causes satisfying effect to you while to some, it could gross them out.
  4. Giving Birth – This is not advisable, especially to women, to watch this as it may discourage them to have a child. It’s all stressful with the way we see it to some films but no one knows how extremely disturbing this could be except mothers.
  5. Body Farm – This topic is insanely grossing. It sounds geeky but Body Farm is accordingly a facility where scientists study body decomposition but not until you see those blood and fluids coming out from a decaying body.
  6. Death Clock – This site determines when you will die but jokes about death in any form is inappropriate. If you still want to have your sanity intact, avoid this.
  7. Tub Girl – Searching this won’t feed you the most beautiful girl with that gorgeous body. Instead, it show the most gross thing you’ll see in the internet. Accordingly, it shows a Japanese girl in a tub excreting diarrhea on air!


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Sources: Bright Side / 2 Minute Facts

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