EUCALYPTUS: 7 Amazing Health Benefits Of This Plant

Eucalyptus has these 7 amazing health benefits

Eucalyptus has been used in medicinal purposes for many years and here is the list of its amazing health benefits.

In this modern era, people are more aware of the natural sources of medicine that could help cure certain illness. More people are now turning to the natural way of treating health issues. One of the helpful plants that people could for its medical purposes in the Eucalyptus.

eucalyptus health benefits
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Here are the 7 health benefits of this herb, according to Organic 4 Greenlivings.

Wounds and burns protection

It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which will soothe areas of the body affected by a burn or wound. Aside from this, the said herb will also help prevent infection.

For this purpose, you just need to follow these instructions:

  • make a topical solution from a skin-friendly eucalyptus essential oil
  • dilute the oil with water, ensuring you do not expose yourself to more than 3.5mL of the essential oil, to prevent the unwanted side effect

Treatment for sinus and allergies

This plant is also known as a treatment for sinus and allergies and it can give relief and take away the discomfort. In using this herb for the said health issues, you just need to follow these steps:

  • put a couple of drops of eucalyptus essential oil to hot water and stir
  • carefully, deeply inhale the steam

Remedy for hair lice

This herb is also known for its natural pesticide and a great insect repellant properties. In using the plant as a remedy for hair lice, you just need to do these instructions:

  • prepare a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil
  • add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil into the carrier oil of your choice
  • thoroughly apply to affected hair and scalp

Treatment for asthma & arthritis

Since the herb has anti-inflammatory properties and effects of inhaling vapors, this can be a treatment for asthma and arthritis, just follow these options:

  • inhaling the eucalyptus vapors
  • topical application to the chest area

Helps remove intestinal germs and parasites

This herb can also be used as an anthelmintic medicine which can eliminate parasitic worms and other internal parasites. However, it needs to be properly diluted in water as ingesting over 3.5mL of concentrated essential oil could be fatal, based on the article. This method should never be done for a period of longer than 12 weeks.

Helps in treating skin problems

This can also be used to treat skin problems such as acne and eczema, to sunspots and aging. Combine the eucalyptus oil first with a carrier oil before applying to the affected area.

Helps improve brain function and relieves mental exhaustion

In using eucalyptus for this medicinal purpose, just inhale the vapor which can be called aromatherapy. It will stimulate your brain to function better. Eucalyptus can serve as a vasodilator which can relax the blood vessels in your brain, increasing blood circulation, based on the article.

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