ORNAMENTAL PLANTS – Examples Of Philippine Decorative Plants
ORNAMENTAL PLANTS – Here are some examples of ornamental plants in the Philippines that you can possibly buy and decorate your place with.
These plants will make your house filled with natural life. It would feel a bit dull to see wooden furniture, concrete structures without a touch of nature. So here are some of the decorative plants in the Philippines that you can get.
1. Calathea

A flowering plant with a frilly yellow, white or pink leaves that is good for indoors.
2. Musica

Also known as “Sanseviera Bacularis”, is a little evergreen plant with stiff leaves and straight shoots that needs no light. A little shade and water will do for this plant. It serves as an air purifier as well as a great plant for indoors.
3. Laurentii

Also known as “Sanseviera Trifasciata” or “snake plant”, it is rimmed in thick yellow bands and laced in green. This wide-tongued leafy plant is also an air purifier that cleans the indoor musty air. It can also create an aesthetic barrier between common areas.
4. Cordyline

A purple-tinged plant. Is name is derived from the Greek word “kordyle” which means club. This plant is great for outdoors and a favorite of gardeners.
5. Night-Blooming Jasmine

Scientifically known as “Cestrum Nocturnum”, this fast-growing shrub blooms wonderful flowers several times a year. Trimming more of this plant will make it produce more cascading flowers
6. Candle Bush

Also known as “emperor’s candlesticks” “senna alata” or “cassia alata”, This plant has its fat yellow flowers sticking out in an upward cone with more puffs of flowers. It is also an important medicine plant.
7. Dieffenbachia

A flowering plant that has a fan of fluffy green leaves. It prefers filtered light and is good for indoors.
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Good day! I would just like to ask if these plants are indigenous in the Philippines. If not all, can you please identify the ones that are indigenous in the country?
This is for schoolwork and your response will really be appreciated. Thank you so much!