Guard Who Shot Student Inside Classroom Arrested, Cops Reveal Motives

Cops Reveal Motives of Guard Who Shot Grade 7 Student Inside Classroom

GUARD – The authorities revealed the possible motives of the guard who shot the student inside his classroom.

Jobs that allow an employee to carry weapon most of the time are police officers, military, and the security guards.

Before they are provided with the dangerous weapon, they undergo training and taught when and where to use it.

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They are surely skilled in using the weapon but there are also some of them who abuse their right in utilizing it.

In a previous article, a police officer in Dumaguete City shot his 22-year-old daughter in the head using his service weapon.

The chief said the police and his daughter had heated argument before shooting her in the head.

Photo Source: Youtube

Based on a report from ABS-CBN, a security guard named Renz Ivan Valderama shot the 15-year-old student inside his classroom in Calamba, Laguna.

Eyewitnesses said the suspect entered the victim’s classroom at noontime last July 4 and shot the young man twice before escaping.

According to the report, PNP Chief of Calamba Mark Julius Reban said the security guard just allowed Valderama to enter the school since he had been fetching the victim from school.

“One of the motives that we are looking into is jealousy. There is a reported relationship. There is security in the school, however, the suspect is also one who fetched the victim that’s why the guard presumed that the suspect will not harm the victim,” Reban said.

Photo Source: ABS-CBN

Based on the report, Valderama and the Grade 7 student had a relationship until last month said the victim’s relatives. The victim previously accused Valderama of abusing him from March to June this year.

The police finally arrested the suspect at Barangay Pansol in Calamba, Laguna before 4 a.m. today. The residents immediately called the cops after seeing the suspect on the area.

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