AI Photo Auto Tag Revealed By Facebook Glitch
FACEBOOK – The glitch that has bugged across Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp has revealed the machine’s auto tag on photos.
Last time, an event involves a glitch that has bugged users from all three social platforms, prompting them to go to Twitter to post all their complaints with the hashtags #instagramdown, #facebookdowm, and #WhatsAppdown.
The company said this in a statement:
“During one of our routine maintenance operations, we triggered an issue that is making it difficult for some people to upload or send photos and videos,”
At the same time, users were able to see how the company’s machine vision systems tag their photos.
According to Inquirer, when browsing through the unseen photos. Users can see how the AI described the photo with the format “Image may contain: _____________”.
One netizen named Zack Whittaker even pointed out how the AI described his photo to contain one man with a beard.
Another netizen named Ruben Salvadori also noticed the same thing but also pointed out that the AI left out one person.
As per the report, The Verge mentioned that the same thing happened to Instagram. The tags also suggest who is in a photo based on Facebook’s facial recognition aside from detailing general scenes and object descriptions.
Ever since April 2016, the company has been using machine learning to “read” and is a big part of the company’s accessibility efforts. The tags were used for those who are sight impairments.
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