Check out these brain foods which will give your brain the boost.
BRAIN FOODS – Here are the different and various type of foods that will probably give your brain the boost you needed.
Everyone, in most probability, already has an idea on what to eat in order to stay lean and healthy. How about the foods that will make our brain in good condition and will boost it? Therefore, here’s a list of foods you might consider to start eating the smarter way.
Check out below:
- Salmon – It has the omega-3 fatty acids which can combat fatigue, poor memory, and mood swings. And the best way to consume this essential factor for better brain performance is through eating it.
- Avocado – Each serving of this food has 20 different vitamins that includes potassium which control blood pressure and the lutein that helps protect our eyes.
- Nuts – They are rich in Vitamin E which can be used against age-related cognitive decline and the omega-3 fatty acids. Particularly, walnuts help you boost your productivity.
- Leafy Greens – Spinach, broccoli, or any dark-hued leafy green vegetables are rich in nutrients. They are rich in Iron that helps transport oxygen in our body.
- Berries – Based on a study in 2012, a group of researchers suspected that berries have high concentration of flavonoids, an antioxidant that may have antihistamine-, antimicrobial-, memory-, and mood-enhancing properties.
- Red Wine – It has resveratrol which is linked to increased longevity.
- Beans – Experts suggest to consume half-cup of lentils or black beans a day as their contents has an ideal blend of complex carbohydrates and protein. This causes slow digestion which had good effects such as stabilizing glucose levels and curb fatigue.
- Dark Chocolate – This is one of the tips to take when studying. Accordingly, they boost the blood supply of the brain.
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Source: Psychology Today, WebMD