God Will Get You Through Any Storm, You Just Have To Be Still

God Will Never Leave You Amid Any Storm In Your Life, Be Still

God totally knows what storm you are going through and He won’t leave you anywhere, you just have to be still.

Most of the time, when we are facing problems or storms in life, there is a fear inside us that we may not get through it. We also burden our minds thinking what would happen next.

Sadly, there are times that we tend to resort to other things that could add more to our existing problems. We feel so down that we cannot accurately think of what we could do to solve the problem.

In times like this, we need to be still. We need to take it as an opportunity to deepen our faith in God knowing that He will get us through any storm.

We are never alone in our trials and struggles in life. Up there, there is Someone Who fully knows what will happen next. Surely, these hardships come along with a purpose and, most of the time, it is only through it that such purpose can be fulfilled.

Strive in life but when hopeless times are challenging you, be full of faith and look up to Him. Seek His help and hold on to your faith to Him, nothing is impossible with the God of all.

READ ALSO: You May Lose Everything & Everyone But Never God

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