Let Your Faith Be Stronger Than Any Storm in Your Life

Do you still have intact faith in God despite a storm in your life?

FAITH – A storm can come in your life and you should let your faith be strong than any battle you will have to face.

Undeniably, this life is full of surprises and some of it are disappointments, rejections, pain, loss, and heartbreak. These are what we consider “negativities” in life but they can actually teach us things we won’t learn in any other way.

Let us collectively call these things as storm in life. Just like a storm, they can be predicted sometimes but they cannot be stopped unless they change direction. All we can do is prepare for them.

What is the best preparation for them? Faith. It is not only believing that they will pass but also clinging tightly to the belief that our God will never leave us unprovided, unguarded, and abandoned.

When these things try to shake your world, stop, feel and learn what you have to milk from it, pray, and stay calm.

Most of the time, when our grounds are being shaken, we are given the time to reflect on our life, on what really matters. There may be times that we feel like we can never go pass a storm but, at the end of the day, help arrives.

So when storm comes your life, let your faith be stronger than your battle and your struggle. Trust in God, in your capacity to overcome it, and the purpose why it has to happen to you.

Always, you will learn or gain from something painful, hard, and uncomfortable.

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