India Might Surpass China’s Population By 2027 – UN

Indians Could Surpass Chinese People’s Population In The Coming Years

INDIA – With the continuous rise in population, Indians could go even further and surpass China as the world’s most populated country.

Photo taken from ORF | Indianexpress

India was recently included in the list of countries that experienced extreme heat wave. The heat wave in the country took the lives of at least 36 people.

On top of recent disasters and troubles, such as earthquakes, heat waves and lack of water supply, the country’s population is also constantly rising and it might also be a part of the problem.

According the reports of the United Nations, the population of India could surpass China’s number in less than 10 years.

As of now, both countries – China and India – covers about 37% of the entire world’s population that is now at 7.7 billion. China holds about 1.4 billion people and India holds about 1.3 billion.

However, by 2027, at least, India would have more people, surpassing the Chinese population. This was concluded basing on the UN’s report on 2019 World Population Prospects that was published last Monday.

It is also expected that by 2050, the gap in between the population numbers of the two countries would widen and India would go ever further.

Other details also foresaw possible decreases in the population. UN’s actual report read:

“Between 2019 and 2050, 55 countries or areas are expected to see their populations decrease by at least 1%.”

Primarily brought by low fertility levels and high emigration, the decrease would be possible.

It also stated that China would have a decrease in their population by a number:

“In the largest of these, China, the population is projected to shrink by 31.4 million, or 2.2 per cent.”

The decrease would bring China’s population down to 1.1 billion people. This is a whole lot fewer that India’s population is forecasted to reach 1.5 billion.

This is according to an article from CNN.

They have also predicted that the world’s total population will rise to 9.7 billion people. A shocking increase for one century.

That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.

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