Britain Eyes Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission By 2050

The United Kingdom Made A Commitment To Achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission By 2050

BRITAIN – The United Kingdom have decided to incorporate their vow to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 into an actual law.

Photo taken from Time Magazine

A lot of us have been voicing out complaints about the scorching summer heat. Recently, the highest heat index level experienced in the country was recorded in Cagayan.

One reason for the heat is the greenhouse effect – or the entrapment of the warmth given off by the sun in the lower atmosphere of the planet. This effect happens because of the presence of greenhouse gasses (Primarily: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone).

Considering the global level of carbon emissions although there has been numerous conversations about bringing the level to a much tolerable and safer amount.

The retiring Prime Minister Theresa May said UK’s goal of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emission is an ambitious attempt but it is necessary to protect the planet’s future.

She expressed her concern for the importance of reaching net zero in her statement:

“Now is the time to go further and faster to safeguard the environment for our children. Reaching net zero by 2050 is an ambitious target, but it is crucial that we achieve it to ensure we protect our planet for future generations.”

The current target of the United Kingdom is to alleviate the greenhouse gas emission and cut the level by a hefty 80 percent from back in 1990 within about 30 years in the future by 2050.

Campaigners, on the other hand, says the commitment does not reach well enough to fulfill the pledges made in 2015 during the Paris climate agreement to attempt limiting the rise in global warming.

Temperature levels have already increase to about one degree Celsius since the beginning of pre-industrial era. Many Scientist have warned that any more increase might pose risk triggering tipping levels that may cause massive global problems.

This is according to an article from News 5.

It could even get worse and render the planet uninhabitable, ruin farming and flood coastal cities.

May who is set to retire this summer, revealed that a legislation would be presented to the parliament on Wednesday to include the commitment into an already existing act for climate change.

That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.

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