BI Cancels Working Visas Of 528 Foreign Workers Due To This Reason

Heres Reson Why BI Cancels Working Visas Of 528 Foreign Workers

BI – Here is the reason why the Bureau of Immigration (BI) canceled the Visa of 528 foreign workers in the Philippines.

In a previous article, the Department and Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the BI admitted that they spotted Chinese illegal workers in the Philippines.

Most of these illegal workers are Chinese nationals who are construction workers.

Photo Source: Inquirer

Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan said the DOLE and BI officials who allowed the entry of these foreigners should be fired.

“Fire DOLE and BI appointees and officials who allowed the entry of 400,000 Chinese illegals. File criminal cases against them” said Kiko.

Photo Source: Asia Sentinel

Based on a report from Inquirer, the BI revoked the Visa of 528 foreign workers because of fraud and misrepresentation.

On Tuesday, BI chief Jaime Morente announced that their agency initiated two separate audits of the six (6) target companies.

“These are just six companies, we expect to uncover more in the next few months,” he said.

Photo Source: ABS-CBN News

According to the report, the BI chief asked all the Filipinos to cooperate and report if they spotted an illegal foreigner in their area.

We need everybody’s help.  Filipinos as well as legally staying aliens must report illegal foreigners in their area, and you can be assured that we will act on your reports,” said Morete.

Photo Source:

Jaime Morete said these 528 illegal foreigners submitted a fake Alien Employment Permits (AEP).

DOLE are the ones who issued the permit to the foreigners and to be submitted to the BI if they are applying for work in the country.

  • 259 Indians
  • 230 Chinese
  • 14 Koreans
  • 11 Japanese
  • 5 Taiwanese
  • 3 Vietnamese
  • 1 German
  • 1 Burmese
  • 1 Nigerian
  • 1 Nepalese
  • 1 Sudanese
  • 1 Yemeni
Photo Source: Visas Philippines

Based on the report, the six companies were not revealed but they said it is based in Manila, Caloocan, and Parañaque.

“I am appalled to learn of big companies that blatantly disregard our laws and submit fake documents. These companies knowingly hire illegal foreign workers that take away jobs from Filipinos and law-abiding foreigners,” said Morete.

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