Maria Rodielita Dublin, BAR 2018 Passer Currently Competing in World Cup When Results Were Released
Maria Rodielita Dublin, a BAR 2018 passer is currently competing at the World Cup in Malaysia when SC released BAR results.
On Friday afternoon (May 3, 2019), the Supreme Court released the list of successful examinees for 2018 BAR Exam Results.
Thousands of applicants took the BAR licensure examinations last November 2018 dreaming to be a professional lawyer someday.

Unfortunately, only 1,800 law graduates out of 8,155 examinees have passed the licensure examinations.
Recently, the Facebook page “” has shared the video footage of proud family boasting their beloved Maria Rodielita Dublin for passing the 2018 BAR exams.

The BAR 2018 passer Maria Rodielita Dublin is currently competing in Touch Football World Cup at Malaysia.
Maria Rodielita was still playing Touch Football at the World Cup when the BAR exam results were released.

The social media users congratulate the athlete for passing the licensure examination.

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