DFA Advises About The Alleged Risks With Philippines’ Partnership With Huawei
DFA ADVISES – The Department of Foreign affairs advises the local government regarding its partnership with Chinese company Huawei.
Rappler reported that:
DFA forwarded the advisory through an exclusive memorandum stating that they are informing the Department of Information and Communications Technology, the National Security Council, and the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency about the security concern issues with Huawei raised by Czech republic and France authorities.

This is based on an article from GMA News.
In an official statement by the DFA released on Tuesday, DFA states:
“The Department notes the Rappler report stating that the DFA supposedly warned against the risks of partnering with Huawei.”
DFA also stated that the article from the News source Rappler was “…regrettable as the published document clearly bears no such warning by the Department.”
The department is also looking to initiate an investigation with the concern since they are “disturbed” about the confidential document being revealed to the public.
The official memorandum reads:
“The Department of Foreign Affairs respectfully informs the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), the National Security Council, and the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) that the Czech Republic and France have issued orders to limit the use of Huawei products primarily due to security concerns… The ban was prompted by the security alert issued by the Czech National Cyber and Security Information Agency (NCISA) that Huawei devices may be used to damage the country’s national interests.”
It was forwarded back in January 25.
Meanwhile, US Secretary of the State, Mike Pompeo informed the Philippines about partnering with Huawei since there were previous allegations that the telco firm could be utilized by the Chinese government for espionage.
That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.