List of 7 Easter Sunday Facts You Might Love To Know
EASTER SUNDAY FACTS – Here is a list of seven(7) facts you may not know yet about the Easter Sunday.
Among the most important and widely-observed days in the Lenten season or Holy Week are the Holy Thursday, the Good Friday, the Black Saturday, and the Easter Sunday.
The four(4) significant days in the event commemorating the passion, death, and resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, fall from April 18 until April 21 this year 2019.
Today, April 21, 2019, is the last day of the Holy Week. We are celebrating the Easter Sunday which commemorates the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Son of God victoriously won against death and save mankind.
In line with the celebration, eggs are often associated to it. Here are some Easter Sunday facts you might love to know based on an article on GH:
- Eggs are dyed to represent the blood of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
- Around 1.5 million marshmallow are eaten by Americans during Easter.
- The idea of giving eggs and bunny during Easter started in Germany.
- In the old days, eggs are not the only thing associated with Easter but as well as pretzels.
- The chocolate bunnies sold for Easter annually may rise to 90 million in number.
- The two holidays competing for the highest sales in candy are Easter and Halloween.
- Americans spent around $18.2 billion on Easter 2018.
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