JUST IN: Duterte Vetoes Bill Seeking Survivorship Benefits in Some Gov’t Agencies

Pres. Duterte Vetoed the Survivorship Benefits Bill

DUTERTE – Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte vetoed the bill seeking for the survivorship benefits in some government agencies.

While there are bills that gain the approval of the President, there are also those that were returned without his signature. Among them are the Senate Bill No. 1917 and House Bill No. 7820.

The said bill is seeking for the survivorship benefits for the legitimate spouse of a deceased retired member of the Commission on Elections, the Commission on Audit, the Ombudsman, and the Civil Service Commission.


Based on a recent social media post on Manila Bulletin, in the document regarding the survivorship benefits bill, Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte expressed his support for additional benefits to the members of the aforementioned government agencies.

But the President also stated that it may be “onerous” to the government. Based on the post, he stated that it may erode the National Government’s thrust and it may also be inequality towards other public servants.

Furthermore, the President also expressed that the benefits stated in the proposed measure was not yet granted to any official of the government.

As of this writing, there are still no further details regarding the matter. We’ll keep you posted for updates.

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