RUNNY NOSE REMEDY: 5 Tips On How To Stop Runny Nose

Looking for a Runny Nose Remedy? You May Consider These 5 Tips

RUNNY NOSE REMEDY – Here is a list of five(5) tips on how to stop a runny nose.

One of the nasal conditions that can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, and health is a runny nose. Usually, this happens to small children when there is an abrupt change in the weather condition.

To other cases, allergy is also one of the main causes of a runny nose. Under this cause, there may be a lot of factors causing allergy like the dust, the pollen around, the extreme temperature, etc.

Are you also one of those who frequently suffer from this nasal condition and wants to get the perfect runny nose remedy?

Runny Nose Remedy
Photo Courtesy of Ask Doctor K

There are actually a lot of ways on how to deal with a runny nose. Here is a list of five(5) tips on how you can stop it.

1. Stuff the Nose

Surprisingly, stuffing the nose is actually a runny nose remedy. Based on an article on Shape, blowing it will only make the situation worse. The force you are exerting in blowing your nose may lead to inflammation in your nasal passages.

2. Take a warm shower

Taking a warm shower can help loosen the thick mucus inside your nose. Let the water run over your face to ease your runny nose.

3. Keep yourself hydrated

When you are having a runny nose, fluid continues to go out of your body that is why it is important to replenish it. Furthermore, keeping yourself hydrated can also help loosen the mucus and thin it out so it is easier to release.

4. Drink some tea

Drinking a herbal tea is also a runny nose remedy. Based on the article, studies show that it provides immediate relief to runny nose and other related conditions such as cough, sneezing, and sore throat.

5. Inhale steam

Steam inhalation can also help a lot. It is an inexpensive way to treat the said nasal condition and you just have to fill a bowl with warm water and put a few drops of essential oils to it.

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