Clean CR and Free Wifi in Transport Terminals Just A Signature Away Thru Senate Bill No. 1749
BILL – The Senate Bill No. 1749 which seeks for clean comfort rooms (CRs) and free WiFi in public transport terminals in the Philippines is just a signature away.
Undeniably, among the public places that gather a lot of people daily are public transport terminals. It is a part of the everyday routine of most people and improving it would really benefit many Filipinos.
Recently, a measure that will surely ignite support from many people most especially the avid commuters of transport terminals crossed the surface – the Senate Bill No. 1749 mainly authored by Senator Grace Poe.
Also known as “An Act to Improve Land Transportation Terminals, Stations, Stops, Rest Areas and Roll-On/Roll-Off Terminals”, the bill seeks to provide clean CR to the public and free WiFi as well.

Based on the recent press release of the Senate of the Philippines, the Senate Bill No. 1749 which seeks to provide clean CR and free Wi-Fi in transport terminals is just a signature away.
The Presidential Legislative Liaison Office has already submitted the measure adopted by the House of Representatives to the office of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.
According to the press release, it was on March 21 when the measure reached the Office of the President. It will lapse into law if Pres. Duterte does not sign it after 30 days since it has been received by his Office.

Considering the ending of the school year, Sen. Poe is hopeful that the bill will gain the signature of the President as it will really benefit a lot of students who will go home to their hometowns.
Furthermore, many people are also expected to go on a travel during the summer season and they will surely benefit from the measure.
We’ll keep you posted for update.