List of 7 Colds Home Remedies For Fast Recovery
COLDS HOME REMEDIES – Here is a list of seven(7) home remedies for a fast recovery from colds.
One of the health conditions that can easily be transmitted from person to person making it common among many people is colds. It is usually characterized by stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, sneezing, and feeling unwell.
At times, colds may also be accompanied by a low-grade fever. Transmission of colds which is caused by a virus from one person to another person has high possibility during cold weather.
Meanwhile, there are colds home remedies that you can actually consider for fast recovery from it. These home remedies won’t cost you a lot of money but will help make you feel better.

Based on an article on Web MD, here is a list of the seven(7) colds home remedies that help patient’s fast recovery:
1. Take a warm shower
According to Web MD, a warm shower will moisturize your nasal passages and can help make you feel relaxed.
2. Gargle
Colds often come with a sore throat. To relieve the pain which may also come with fever, gargle using water with salt. You can dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in eight(8) ounces of warm water.
3. Blow your nose often in the right manner
Blow your nose by pressing a finger over one nostril to gently blow on the other. Do the same on the other nostril.
4. Cleanse your stuffy nose with warm salt water
Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to eight(8) ounces of water and let it dissolve. Using a syringe, squirt the warm salt water into the nose – one after the other. It will remove the bacteria inside your nose.
5. Elevate your head when you sleep
Based on the article, sleeping with an extra pillow under your head can greatly help to relieve congested nasal passages.
6. Consume food that fights infection
According to the article, it is best to banana, carrots, blueberries, mustard, chili peppers, onions, and other fruits rich in Vitamin C when you have a flu. Their properties like the capacity of the chili peppers to open the sinuses can help relieve your sickness.
7. Do not take a plane travel
If you have a colds or flu, it is best not to take a plane travel as the takeoff and the landing may damage your eardrums due to the pressure. Wait until you get better before you decide to take a plane travel.
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