7 Common Dreams & Their Meanings
DREAMS – Here is a list of seven(7) usual scenarios in our dreams and their meanings.
Most of the time, we have at least one(1) dream that we can still remember even after we have opened our eyes and gotten back fully to our senses. We cannot remember all but there are those that are really so vivid in our mind.
Sometimes, a dream may leave some of us bothered of what it actually means. Others may call a bad dream a nightmare. It is usually triggered by certain beliefs passed on from generation to generation.
Do you have a recent dream that left you bothered? You might be looking for its meaning to finally forget it.

Based on an article on MF Shopping, here is a list of seven(7) usual scenarios in our dreams and their meanings:
1. Falling
Have you dream of falling from a tall building or from something that made you physically move in bed?
According to writer Lauri Loewenberg, it is common among individuals who have major problems in their relationships, work, or other aspects of their lives.
2. Taking a test
According to writer Lauren Lawrence, perfectionists usually have this type of dream. It is allegedly a reminder on the part of the individual to remain alert. On the part of Loewenberg, the writer believes that it has something to with stress due to work.
3. Dying
One of the common dreams is dying. According to Lawrence, it reveals the desire of the person to put an end to something – whether a job, a relationship, or even something in the past.
4. Running away
Author Ian Wallace sees this dream in a positive way. According to the writer, it is an encouragement to the person to finally face the problem that he or she has been running away from.
5. Cheating partner
Based on the article, Loewenberg believes that this dream usually happens when the partner of a person is busy on something that does not involve the other person. According to the writer, it may also indicate a lack of trust in the relationship.
6. Being late on something
According to Wallace, this dream may mean that the person is overwhelmed. On the part of Russell Grant, the writer believes that it is a reminder not to make a promise that you cannot keep.
7. Getting pregnant
Based on the article, Grant believes that dreaming of getting pregnant means the person has a problem. On the part of Loewenberg, the write believes that it may indicate a new idea coming to the dreamer.
Did you find the meaning of your dream?