Indonesian Lady Films Herself Reviewing Bars Of Soap By Eating Them

Indonedian Lady Reviews Bars of Soap by Smooching, Licking Them

INDONESIAN LADY – An Indonesian lady went viral after she filmed herself reviewing bars of soap by eating them.

For sure, some of us have some strange craving and weird taste buds. We mostly encounter these things to pregnant women or to girls who have their menstruation.

There are some food that is absolutely mouthwatering for us while some people don’t like it or even felt disgusted by it.

Indonesian Lady
Photo Source: @Unilad FB

Meanwhile, an Indonesian named Khosik Assyifa have their peculiar set of taste buds. Why? Because instead of tasting various kinds of food, she preferred tasting different bars of soap.

The young lady went viral after sharing several video clips on herInstagram account licking various bars soaps to review.

Based on a report from, when the Indonesian lady was pregnant 2 years ago, she started to admire the taste of bar soap.

Assyifa accidentally tasted her soap while she was taking a bath. After that, she started to lick it because of it’s fruity taste.

It can be seen on the video that the Indonesian lady was rubbing the soap until the bubbles appear and slides through her hands. When it’s already foamy, Assyifa will start to lick them.

As of this writing, the viral video uploaded by Unilab on Facebook gathered 19 thousand reactions, 42 thousand comments and 5 million views.

The viral video of the Indonesian lady eating bar soap gathered various reactions from the netizens. Here are some of their comments on the video:

@Sarah Koske: “She desperately needs medical attention ASAP!”

@Silvina Hogaboom: “She going to end up sick from eating that soap bar. My goodness”

@Danniell Maloy: “My question is why does she feel the need to video herself doing it? This is just not necessary”

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