List of 7 Volcanic Eruption Safety Tips To Assure Your & Your Family’s Safety
VOLCANIC ERUPTION SAFETY TIPS – Here is a list of seven(7) safety tips that you must keep in mind for your and your family’s safety from volcanic eruption.
Undeniably, most countries across the globe have at least one(1) active volcano. One of the nations with several active volcanoes is the Philippines that is why they are highly-monitored. One of its active volcanoes is the Mayon Volcano.
A volcanic eruption is among the activities of nature that cannot be prevented. While some activities within the volcano may pose no harm to the public, some events could put lives at risk.
That is the reason why the public is often reminded by the government agencies about the volcanic eruption safety tips. It is for everyone’s safety before, amid, and after a natural event.

Based on an article on National Geographic, there are at least seven(7) volcanic eruption safety tips that you must keep in mind for your and your loved ones’ safety.
Here is a list of the said safety precautions:
1. As mush as you can, stay away from residing in the areas near active volcanoes.
2. If your house is near an active volcano, always make sure that your car has a fuel and you know the route for fast and safe evacuation.
3. Make sure you have an emergency kit inside your house. You should also prepare a flashlight and radio that is battery-operated.
4. Obey the recommendation of the authorities when there is a call for evacuation.
5. Wear long-sleeve shirts and long pants when leaving the house. Based on the article, you must also wear a mask and eyeglasses or googles. Do not use contact lenses.
6. If there is no call for evacuation but the residents are asked to monitor the updates regarding the situation, keep your windows and doors closed. Also, block the chimneys and other parts where ventilation may come in.
7. After the volcanic eruption, wear protection while cleaning up. You might have to clean your roof from ashes so you need to be very careful.