List of 5 Common Causes of Snoring
CAUSES OF SNORING – Here is a list of the five(5) common causes why some people are snoring when they are asleep.
Undeniably, a lot of people are dealing with snoring problems. Most of the people who snore are male. While it is embarrassing on the part of the person, it can be bothering to those sleeping around him or her.
Meanwhile, there are remedies or ways on how to deal with snoring but it can be addressed right if the cause is determined. There are at least five(5) common reasons why people snore.

Aside from the sleeping position, based on an article on Web MD, the other common causes of snoring may include blocked nasal airways, poor throat muscle tone, bulky throat tissue, and long soft palate.
1. Sleeping Position
Most people who snore are those who sleep on their stomach. It may block the entry of air in your throat causing the sound. You may change your sleeping posture and sleep on your side.
2. Obstructed Nasal Airways
Based on the article, allergy seasons may trigger snoring most especially those who are suffering from sinus infection. You can have it checked-up by the doctor for proper medication.
3. Poor Throat Muscle Tone
The muscles in your throat or tongue may be too relaxed which permits them to collapse and fall back to the part where air passes. This can also be triggered by age as older people may suffer from poor muscles in the throat.
4. Bulky Throat Tissue
Based on the article, this is one of the common reasons why overweight people snore. Shedding some pounds can be the best remedy.
5. Long Soft Palate
The parts inside your mouth down to your throat may also be the cause why the person is snoring. A long soft palate narrows the throat opening causing the vibrating sound as the structures moves close to each other.
Those are the common causes of snoring. Now, you may also read about the remedies to stop that vibrating sound during sleeping time.
VISIT: HOW TO STOP SNORING: 5 Effective Ways To Stop Snoring