STIFF NECK TREATMENT: 5 Ways To Get Rid of Stiff Neck
STIFF NECK TREATMENT – Here is a list of five(5) simple remedies for a painful stiff neck.
Undeniably, one of the painful things that people can endure due to certain sleeping positions is the stiff neck. It usually happens after you slept on your stomach and not on your side or your back.
Although a stiff neck seems to be a minor condition, it can undeniably ruin your day by the pain it will cause and prevent you from fulfilling what you are supposed to do.
Are you one of those who usually gets a stiff neck? Are you looking for a stiff neck treatment?

Based on the article on Health Essentials, there are at least five(5) simple remedies to a painful stiff neck. Here is the list:
1. Warm / Cold Compress the affected area
One stiff neck treatment is through a warm or a cold compress in the affected area. Based on the article, you can apply a cold compress on the first 2-4 days and then a warm compress after it.
2. Continue moving slowly
You can continue moving but you must avoid painful activities. Do it slowly as it will help calm the symptoms of your stiff neck. Furthermore, it will also reduce inflammation.
3. Massage the affected area
Ask someone to gently massage the affected area. It must be slowly and the force applied should be considered as it might be painful.
4. Sleep with firm mattress
Based on the article, one stiff neck treatment is to sleep on a firm mattress without using a pillow. You may also try sleeping with a special pillow for the neck.
5. Exercise your neck
You may exercise your neck up-down and sideways to stretch the muscles. Do it slowly.