Exchange Rate of US Dollar-Philippine Peso Today (March 13, 2019)
US DOLLAR-PHILIPPINE PESO EXCHANGE RATE – Here is the exchange rate of the United States dollar and Philippine Peso today, March 13, 2019.
A lot of Filipinos are residing out of the country including the United States. Many Pinoys are in the U.S. to work, earn, and provide for their families in the Philippines.
Usually, Pinoys working in the U.S. would send money to their loved ones in the Philippines once or twice a month. The amount of money that their families would be receiving is affected by the dollar-peso exchange rate.
Almost every day, the US dollar-Philippine Peso exchange rate changes. There are days that it goes higher than the day before it while there are also days that it falls.
The latter negatively affects the amount that the Filipino families would receive from the money sent to them. Today, March 13, 2019, the US dollar-Philippine Peso exchange rate is lower than yesterday.
![US Dollar-Philippine Peso Exchange Rate Today March 13, 2019](
Based on Currency Converter, the US dollar-Philippine Peso exchange rate today, March 13, 2019, is at Php 52.7648 for 1 USD.
1 USD = 52.7648 PHP
According to the post, the aforementioned exchange rate was updated at 02:07 GMT. Compared to exchange rate yesterday, March 12, 2019, it is lower by cents.
Currency Converter stated that the exchange rate of the United States dollar and Philippine Peso for March 12, 2019, Tuesday, was at 52.8249 PHP for 1 USD.
Today, if you were sent 500 USD, you will be receiving around Php 26382.4103 when converted to Philippine Peso.
We’re pleased to have helped you with your inquiry regarding the exchange rate of the United States dollar and Philippine Peso today, March 13, 2019. Thank you for visiting our site. Rest assured we’ll continue to post informative updates.