5 Effective Ways To Balance Your Language Fluency in Both English-Filipino
ENGLISH-FILIPINO – Here is a list of five(5) effective ways to balance your language fluency in both the English and the Filipino languages.
Undeniably, many Filipinos now are more fluent in English than in Filipino considering the long way that the former has come as a universal language.
In fact, lots of people prefer to speak in English rather than in Filipino or Tagalog as they feel more comfortable in doing so.

There is nothing wrong about being fluent in the universal language – as long as we don’t forget our very own. Surely, many want to balance their fluency in both languages.
Visit: Translate English To Tagalog: Tagalog Translator | Filipino Translation
Here is a list of the five(5) effective ways to balance your both your English-Filipino language fluency:
1. Read books in English and Filipino
Reading books does not only familiarizes us to a language but it also introduces us to words that may be new to us. In this way, we get to know more about and enhance our vocabularies regarding a language.
2. Watch movies in English and Filipino
Another best thing to do to improve our fluency in both languages is to watch movies in English and in Filipino languages. This does not only widens our vocabularies but also makes us familiar with how words are used, what do they mean, how they are pronounced, etc.
3. List down difficult English and Filipino words
Everytime you get to encounter English words or Filipino words that are new to you, list them down so you can check for their meaning. Writing gives a different encoding to the brain.
4. Keep an English-Filipino dictionary
With an English-Filipino dictionary with you, you can easily find the meaning and translation of certain words.
5. Practice speaking in both English and Filipino
Now that you are well-equipped with the words in both languages, practice speaking them word-by-word, in phrases, and in sentences until communicating whether in English or in Filipino comes easy to you already.