This is the reason why Vice Ganda was not able to enter the church in Barcelona, Spain
It’s Showtime host Vice Ganda revealed the reason why he was not able to enter the church in Barcelona, Spain with her mother.
Vice, along with his family, went to the said European country for a holiday vacation.
The comedian-host shared on his Instagram account some highlights of their trip, from the airport to the picturesque sites in Barcelona.

One of the photo he shared featured him and his mom posing in front of a church.
Vice Ganda shared that his mother really wanted to see the “Sagrada Familia” in the said church.
As a son who loves his mother so much, the TV host wanted to fulfill that wish from the woman who raised him.
“My profession deprives me of quality time with my family. So when given the chance I make sure every moment counts and everything creates a wonderful memory,” Vice said.
So, he brought his mother to be in the church in Barcelona. However, there was a minor problem that occurred.
“I didn’t know we had to book online to get access inside the church,” the comedian shared.
Because of this, he contacted a friend who would be able to help them.

On the other hand, only one person was allowed to enter the church and so Vice Ganda gave the chance to her mother.
“And like a parent to a
For Vice, the fulfillment of her mother’s wish is a bigger achievement than what his movie Fantastica achieved at the box office.
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