Supposed December 22, 2018 DepEd Christmas Break Moved
DEPED CHRISTMAS BREAK – The Department of Education moved the Christmas Break in public schools from December 22, 2018.
Undeniably, lots of students await the Christmas break. Apart from celebrations being held everywhere, it is a wonderful opportunity for them to spend time with their families and loved ones.
Students and as well as teachers have lots of tasks to be done for the whole school year. Every December, they are given the break to relax from the tasks and simply enjoy their time with their families.
This 2018, the DepEd has moved the DepEd Christmas break from December 22, 2018 as it “values the importance of spending time with the family”.
Based on a report on ABS-CBN, the department has released an order regarding the DepEd Christmas break. From December 22, 2018, the break would come as early as December 15, 2018.
DepEd Christmas Break Moved from December 22, 2018 to December 15, 2018
Based on it, the changes in the schedule to be observed in public elementary and secondary schools is in the pursuit of giving the students the opportunity to “strengthen their emotional bonds with their family”.
Based on the report, in the DepEd order released, the department clarified that December 15, 2018 would still be a class day allotted for the activities of the students.
Reporter Jasmin Romero has posted a copy of the DepEd order on social media.
What can you say about it? Feel free to leave your reactions or thoughts below through comments.
READ ALSO: DepEd Reveals Date When Classes Will Resume After Christmas Break