Here is the Full List of Passers for Aeronautical Engineering Board Exam Result November 2018
Here is the full list of passers for Aeronautical Engineering Board Exam Result November 2018 from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
The list of passers, top 10 passers, top performing and performance of schools for Aeronautical Engineering Board Exam Result will be available on this website after it was released by PRC.
The licensure examinations have been given at PRC testing center in Manila on November 13, 14, and 15, 2018.
Here is the List of Passers:
Here are the Top 10 Passers:
Here are the Top Performing and Performance of Schools:
PRC Board of Aeronautical Engineering headed by its Chairman, Engr. Ernesto B. Ferreras, Jr., and its member, Engr. Redentor C. Malia administered the board exams.
Exam Coverage:
- Aerodynamics (Fundamentals of Low-High Speed, Aerodynamics Application of Aerodynamics to Fixed/ Rotary Wing Aircraft Configurations, Performance, Stability and Control; Wind Tunnels and Applications) 25%
- Mathematics (Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Calculus and Differential equations with Aeronautical Engineering Applications) 10%
- Aircraft Structures and Design (Aircraft Design Fundamentals; Structural Loading Conditions; Structural Analysis and Design of Airframe Components; Landing Gears, Engine Mounts and Other Structural Parts; Non-Structural Component Design) 20%
- Aircraft Construction, Repair and Modification (Aircraft Materials and Processes; Methods and Techniques in Repair and Modification in accordance with Civil Air Worthiness Regulations; Manufacturing/ Production Processes and Quality Assurance) 15%
- Aircraft Power Plant (Thermodynamics and Power Plant Design and Operation Fundamentals with Applications to Internal Combustion Engine Reciprocating Engines Aircraft Gas Turbines, Pulsejet and Ramjet, Rocket Propulsion Systems and other Aircraft Power Systems) 20%
- Engineering Economics Laws and Ethics (Principle of Economics and Management as Applied to Aviation Industry; Laws, Rules, and Regulations governing the Practice of Aeronautical Engineering to include PD 1570, Rules and Regulations with Code of Professional Ethics of the Board of Aeronautical Engineering and others) 10%
Release Date:
The Aeronautical Engineering Board Exam Result was expected to be released within two (2) working days or on Monday (November 19, 2018).
However, the exam results might be released earlier or later without prior notice from PRC.