Share If You Are Not In Favor Of Proposed PHP 12.00 Minimum Jeepney Fare

Are you in favor of increasing the minimum jeepney fare in PH?

MINIMUM JEEPNEY FARE – The public got different reactions to the proposed increase on the minimum fare on jeepneys in the Philippines.

Undeniably, the inflation rate in the country continues to increase. The prices of basic goods and commodities are increasing and there are families whose usual budget no longer fits the expenses.

Food, electricity bill, water bill, fare, school expenses, and medication fees usually take a big part of a family’s budget. The total expenses depend on the reality of the prices of goods, the lifestyle of the family, and as well as the number of members in the family.

Recently, there are also appeals from the part of the transport groups in the Philippines. They are seeking an increase on the minimum jeepney fare from PHP 8.00.

Photo Courtesy of Everything Cebu

The public is divided when it comes to the proposed minimum jeepney fare increase. On one side, many people see it as another aspect that would take a big slice on the pie of the family’s budget. Both parents and children usually take daily transport to work and school.

Furthermore, some people insist that when the prices in the fuel increase, the jeepney fare also increases but when there is a rollback, the fare remains.

On the other side, many people also recognize that most jeepney drivers are family men as well. They have families to feed, children to send to school, and electricity and water bill to pay.

Some people believe that there is a need to increase the minimum jeepney fare for the drivers to be able to cope up with their expenses considering the increase in fuel.

How about you? Are you in favor of the proposed increase on the minimum jeepney fare to PHP 12.00 or not?

Feel free to express your opinion through comments below. You may also share this article if you are not in favor of the PHP 12.00 minimum jeepney fare.

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