Incredible Construction Of Railway Project In China Completed In Less Than 9 Hours

Video Footage Of Incredible Construction Of Railway Project In China Completed In Less Than 9 Hours Goes Viral

Here is an amazing video footage of an incredible construction of a railway project in China, which was completed in less than 9 hours.

Railway construction is one of the infrastructures, which could consume a long time compared to other projects before completion.

Building a railway track would cost a longer period of construction in building new tracks and transport infrastructures. Construction firms should also consider the durability of their work and ensure the public’s safety.

Railway Project

Recently, the official Facebook page of ABC News has shared the video footage of the incredible construction of a railway station in China that took less than 9 hours only to complete the project.

The railway has been built by over 1, 500 construction workers busy on performing their respective duty to complete the infrastructure project as soon as possible.

Railway Project

The social media users also expressed their own reactions on how Chinese people accomplished the railway project in just 9 hours.

Here are some of the comments:

John Alva: “The Chinese built a lot of American railroads… Most of them in fact…… They don’t mess around. Unlike construction in the USA…. Cause traffic jams for months while they chat, eat, and smoke cigarettes on the construction site…SMH”

Charlote Herrera: “Many of their construction projects go 24/7 with different crews so that they could finish quick. Saw it when I was there in October 2017.”

Lorne Denton: “We need them workers here in America to work on our bridges and Roads contractors here take way too long.”

Andrea Stadwick: “I lived in China for 6 years, it was incredible how organized and rapidly construction projects would get done….”

James Estrada: Here in America that would have been a 5 year project with 4 guys working and 20 standing around watching.”

Ambrose Mok: “Not be innocent. Never appears high-quality in China that they just float like good things to blind up all of the ridiculous things and lousy quiltiy.”

What can you say about this? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions.

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