Maricel Soriano’s supporters defended her against bashings.
MARICEL SORIANO – The supporters of the veteran actress Maricel Soriano have defended her against negative feedbacks over the controversial score to Team Anne.

One of the five judges tasked to critic the Magpasikat performances of the hosts of the noontime show It’s Showtime is the veteran actress Maricel Soriano who is also tagged as the acting industry’s Diamond Star.
Other judges were Janno Gibbs, Director Rory Quintos, Ina Raymundo, and Marc Logan.
The Magpasikat performance of the hosts is one of the highlights of the above-stated show’s annual anniversary grand celebration.
According to a previous report, the actress has received several negative reactions from the people of the online community because of the “quite low” score she gave to the performance of the team of Anne Curtis.
One netizen has even indicated, “Hindi makatarungan yung 6 pts ni maricel soriano sa love parade, ang unique kaya ng concept.”
Thus, a certain supporter of the veteran actress has written a statement defending her.
On the Twitter account of Maricel Soriano News (@DiamondStarNews) is where the written statement as a defense against criticism has been obtained.
On the letter, it has been discussed why Maricel “need not to explain her score of 6.”
According to Isabel Felix, she compared Maricel to be similar to that of a “low-grader teacher.”
Furthermore, “Maricel may not be the most articulate judge and I’ve always been vocal that I cringe every time it’s her turn to speak about her (–foul word(s) removed–)sments.”
She also added that the actress, based on the scorecards, only shows how she distinguishes and differentiates “mere spectacle from simple but felt performances.”
And lastly, on the latter part of the statement it has been stated that Maricel has proven that she can’t be “swayed by mere appearances and popular taste” and that she is still looking for “simplicity and substance.”
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(Photo lifted from Fashion Pulis)
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Read also the previous article: Maricel Soriano Receives Negative Comments Over Controversial Low Score To Anne Curtis’ Team During Magpasikat