Ulysses Lustre, father of Nadine Lustre leaves daughter’s bashers a message.
NADINE LUSTRE – The father of the young Kapamilya actress left the bashers of his daughter a message.
Ulysses Lustre is the father of Nadine Lustre, one of the most sought after actresses of her generation.
Her career rose when she was partnered to James Reid. Their relationship went from reel to real and they are undeniably one of the most popular tandems on television along side with the name tagged on them, the JaDine.
From all the current controversies she had gone through where her name was involved, from the report of the hugging photo of her best friend to boyfriend down to the report as well that James’ family was just using her, bashers will inevitably hit her.
Due to these rounding rumors and all the criticisms that the actress was receiving, she is not the only one who is affected. She has her family who got her back and knows the truth about the issues compared to the news and reports crossing the online platform.
Thus, her father, of whom is loving and supportive of her career, left his daughter’s bashers a message.
The message was posted on his Facebook account and it says:
“Fan mail from Pop Girls up to now. She kept it. Nadine loves her family, her friends and her fans. It breaks my heart when people judge her. She always mean well. She just wants people around her to be happy even as a child. Please lets stop the hate. My daughter becomes angry but she doesn’t hate. Let’s all be friends.”

Photos of presents and gifts from the fans of the actress tailed below the status.
People of the social media community reacted upon reading the post.
A small argument also sparked on the comments sections below but still, a lot of fans defended her and assured her father the support and love they could to whatever is the young actress is going through.