The people who attended the Manchester concert of Ariana Grande were moved by an unexpected blast.
MANCHESTER CONCERT – Families and friends of Ariana Grande concertgoers used the social media to look for their loved ones whom they cannot contact.
The blast that happened after the concert of the famous American pop singer and actress Ariana Grande at Manchester, England has undeniably sparked lots of news reports.
The incident left some people badly injured and there were even those who died due to the massive blast.

Based on a recent news report on SBS, there are people who fount it hard to reach their loved ones who attended the concert. They cannot contact them and some of them were not yet found.
The families and friends of the concertgoers who cannot be reached utilized the social media to look for them.
Here are some of them who posted the photos of their loved ones.

Meanwhile, based on the news report, there are those who also used the online platform to inform that certain individuals were already found.

Based on a previous news report, some of the concertgoers claim that they were on their way out when they heard a loud bang.
One of those who came to see the concert of the American pop singer, Catherine Macfarlane, claimed that it was a “massive explosion” and everyone there was screaming.
According to the news report, the incident left 19 people dead and there were those who were injured.
Meanwhile, Ariana was “okay” according to a spokesperson.
Reportedly, the blast happened shortly after the gig was over. There were emergency services and police authorities who attended on the situation and helped the victims of the blast.