Sen. Lacson spoke regarding his no-vote to Gina Lopez’s appointment in DENR.
LACSON – Senator Panfilo ‘Ping’ Lacson expressed his explanation for voting against the appointment of Gina Lopez as the secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
Undeniably, lots were saddened after the panel of Commission on Appointments (CA) rejected the appointment of Lopez as the environment secretary.
Based on a news report in Inquirer, one of those who voted ‘no’ with regards to her appointment, Sen. Ping Lacson, expressed the reason behind his vote.
According to the news report, Sen. Lacson mentioned a 1975 Supreme Court document in a radio interview.
The said SC document involves a habeas corpus petition filed by Lopez and a socio-religious group, Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha in the Philippines Inc., against the mother of Gina, Conchita Lopez.
The said case entails that Lopez was accused of committing a violation against the Dangerous Drugs Act and she was confined at a drug rehabilitation center, the Dare Foundation. Her mother had her confined in the drug rehabilitation facility.
However, based on the report, Lopez disappeared from the drug rehabilitation facility before the psychiatrists and doctors were able to examine her. The dismissal of the habeas corpus petition was then on the surface.
According to the Senator, he researched that is why he knew about it, however, they did not reveal it as it is too personal. He added that he is just revealing it now to give an explanation to his no-vote to Lopez’s appointment.
Based on the report, the Senator put down the allegation that ‘lobby money’ has something to do with the CA’s rejection of Lopez’s DENR appointment.
Based on a previous news report, it was President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, a vocal supporter of Lopez, who claimed that ‘lobby money’ was behind the rejection of the appointment of Lopez as the environment secretary by the CA.