November 2016 Bar Exam Passing Rate
NOVEMBER 2016 BAR – The list of passers and the passing rate of the bar examination conducted last November 2016 are out.
The passing rate of the recently-conducted bar exam, as revealed by bar exams committee spearheaded by Associate Justice Presbitero Velasco Jr., is 59.06 percent. It is higher than the expected rate of 40%.
The series of tests was conducted at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) in Manila for four Sundays – November 6, 13, 20, and 27. There were a total of 6,344 exam takers.
Out of 6, 344 exam takers, 3, 747 examinees passed the bar exam with a graduate of University of San Carlos topping the bar exam.
The spokesperson of the Supreme Court expressed that the bar exam was given to 3,317 new candidates and 3,514 retakers.
Based on a previous news report, the list of the passers was released on Wednesday, May 3.