A video captured a 4-year-old girl falling from a moving vehicle.
4-YEAR-OLD – A video showing a 4-year-old girl falling from a moving vehicle hooked the online community.
Recently, CNN has posted a video of the incident on YouTube. Based on the video report, the incident happened in Harrison, Arkansas. The footage of the incident was taken by the dash cam of the man who rescued the girl.
It could be seen in the video that the door of the moving vehicle opened and a girl came out of it and hit the ground. A man wearing a blue shirt came to rescue the girl.

According to the report, the firefighter who rescued the little girl is Ryan Ciampoli.
In an interview with the source, the firefighter tagged the incident as “unbelievable” and “heartbreaking”. According to him, he instantly utilized what he got from the training he has attended before and he (–foul word(s) removed–)sed the scene.
“I realize that it wasn’t a good place for her lying there,” Ryan said.
Ryan stressed his learning that the patients are not supposed to be moved unless there is a dangerous situation.
Considering that the girl was lying in a highway and it was very hot, Ryan said that he ran and approached the girl and carefully picked the child up in his arms.
According to him, he could not stand for the girl to be hit by vehicles. He added that the child was unconscious at first but she moved her arm and looked at Ryan.
Based on a report in twentytwowords, the rescuer drives the vehicle behind the bus where the girl fell from. He is a volunteer firefighter and a trained emergency medical technician.
The girl, who is in need of a surgery due to a broken jaw, is eyed to be able to recover fully.
The 4-year-old’s mother does not blame the driver of the moving bus based on the report. There is still no information on why the girl fell from the bus.
The video posted on the online platform has already reached more than forty nine thousand views on YouTube. Lots of people also expressed their gladness that the girl is fine and safe now.