A robot battle between Japan and United States will happen this August 2017.
ROBOT BATTLE – Japan and United States is now preparing their gears up for the upcoming battle of robots that will happen this August.
According to the post of Nerd Approved in their site, after a delay of two years for the most-awaited battle, finally Megabots of U.S. and its counterpart Suidibashi of Japan will have their duel this August.
The U.S. and Japan are two known countries to be one of the leading countries in terms technology.

For all the fans of Sci-Fi, based on the report on Elite Readers, the delay of the robotic match is due to the preparations of the both parties.
America’s Megabot Mk. II is 16 feet in height and 12 tons in weight while Japan’s Suidibashi Kuratas has a height of 13 in feet and weighs 5 tons. Kuratas is said to be a “diesel-powered mech robot”.
The Megabots had actually collected a total fund of $500,000 for its upgrades and updates with regards to the improvement of the robot is posted on its Youtube Channel.
Another report from the New Equipment Digest, that the duel is confirmed to happen on August and will have a live streaming for free in Youtube channels of both company.
Now, as mentioned in the report, Megabots will be controlled by the co-founders of the said robot, Gui Cavalcanti and Matt Oehrlein as they face the Suidibashi.
The said bout of the two robots will happen on neutral grounds. However, Japan is still tight-lipped about the progress of their robot
Therefore, to those who are a fan of either Transformers, Gundam, Voltron and other related robotic stuff, a true battle of robots that can only be seen in movies has come to life.
Surely, this battle will mark the history of the technological and engineering world.