Camille Prats exposed the gender of her baby in a peculiar way.
CAMILLE PRATS – One of the most peculiar and exciting ways in revealing the gender of a baby was done by Camille Prats.
Based on a recent entertainment report in Push, the family and friends of Camille Prats gathered for the announcement of the gender of her baby. They celebrated a ‘gender reveal party’ in which the family and friends were asked first of their guess before the baby’s gender was revealed.
The actress posted a video on YouTube. It could be seen in the video that a “Boy or Girl?” banner was hang on the window and there was a cake on the table. Several family members and friends expressed their guess.

Based on the video, most of Camille’s family and friends guessed that the baby is a girl. Meanwhile, the guess of John Prats, Camille’s brother, is that the baby is a boy.
“Feeling ko team boy… Ang galing nilang umakting. Parang sakto sila, mag steady sila eh pero kung umaakting kayo ang galing ninyo ha. Team boy,” John said while smiling.
In the later part of the video, the cake was sliced and it gave a sign about the gender of the baby. Lots of them cheered after seeing that the chiffon of the cake is pink in color – Camille and her husband are expecting a baby girl.
Based on the news report, it was this January when Camille was wedded to John Yambao. It was in February when she made an announcement that they are expecting a baby.
Her son with her late husband Anthony Linsangan, Nathan, is in favor of her relationship with John which later on led to a wedding. Nathan’s father passed away in year 2011 because of cancer.