Natural Remedies In Treating Ringworm

Treat Ringworm With These Natural Remedies

Ringworm is one of the most annoying skin issues we could ever have, here are some natural remedies that can treat this type of fungal infection.

Ringworm is a fungal infection characterized by itchiness, scaling, circular rash, and redness of the skin. It is also known as ‘Dermatophytosis or tinea’ caused by a fungus that can affect both animals and humans, which might spread to the other parts of the body.

This fungal infection can initially start with red patches on the skin and later spread to the different parts of the body such as beard, feet, the skin of the scalp, groin, and other areas.


Its signs and symptoms might occur 14 days after exposure such as scaly, red, itchy patches with defined and raised edges, redder patches outside the edge, which resembles a ring, patches with a blister or begin to ooze.

It can be a result of many factors such as obesity, poor immune system, contact with infected animals or humans, excessive sweating, lack of personal hygiene, and using public utilities. It can be prevented by not sharing personal items, keeping the skin dry, and not walking barefoot.

This skin issue can treat using antifungal creams such as clotrimazole or miconazole. It will take 2-4 weeks before ringworm can be totally eliminated. But some ringworm treatments and medications might be expensive and non-affordable for some of us.


Natural remedies were still the best alternative in treating and preventing skin issues. Here are some natural remedies for treating ringworm.



It contains antifungal properties, which is very effective in treating fungal infection. Peel and grind a clove of garlic, then apply the juice on affected areas. Do this process twice daily.


Acapulco Leaves

Acapulco leaves is an effective solution in treating fungus. Grind the leaves and apply the extract on the ringworm. Repeat this method a few times daily.

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