Duterte Dares Alejano To Lead Fight Against China’s Territorial Claims

President Duterte Challenged Alejano To Lead Fight Against China’s Territorial Claims

President Rodrigo Duterte dares Magdalo party-list Rep. Gary Alejano to lead the fight over China’s territorial claims on disputed islands.

Previously, Magdalo party-list Rep. Gary Alejano filed an impeachment complaint last week against President Duterte for allegedly allowing China to conduct their research and explore Benham Rise and by giving them permission to pass through Philippine territorial waters.

Mr. Duterte asked the Magdalo group of what they have bragging about. Then he challenged Alejano to lead in challenging China’s territorial claims in the disputed waters.

China’s Territorial Claims

“If he wants to fight with China, he can lead. I would be glad to send him as the first batch of a delegation of Filipinos who’d want to take the Spratly Islands and all of those they occupied now,” said by Duterte during his speech in Myanmar before the Filipino Community quoted by Interaksyon.

Former rebel soldiers who presented the failed Oakwood mutiny in Makati City last 2003, consist the Magdalo group. Its members were the people also who called for the impeachment of the former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

To prevent a political turmoil that can invalidate and paralyze the law making in the House, Alejano was urged by Kabayan party-list Rep. Harry Roque to withdraw his impeachment complaint against the president.

China’s Territorial Claims

House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez would sue the impeachment of Vice-President Leni Robredo if Alejano would push the impeachment complaint against Duterte, according to Roque.

On Monday (March 20, 2017) Senate president Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III says that the impeachment threat against Robredo only remains a theory. Pimentel has currently more than 230 followers in the House of Representatives.

Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan who leads the Liberal Party senators urged Pimentel to focus on the unresolved Extrajudicial Killing(EJK) and the 13-million-hectare undersea region, which is rich in natural resources in Benham Rise.

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