Perlas On Alleged Hitman Being Suspect On Son’s Death: ‘We should not conclude right away’

The father of Dr. Dreyfuss Perlas has expressed his side on Democer being a suspect in the doctor’s killing.

FATHER – Batan Councilor Dennis Perlas expressed his side on alleged hitman Agapito Tamparong Democer being a suspect in his son’s killing.

The death of the barrio doctor in a municipality in Lanao del Norte continues to spark headlines. In a recent news report in Inquirer, it is stated that the father of Dr. Perlas has doubts on the involvement of the alleged hitman on his son’s death.

According to the news report, Dennis Perlas, a councilor of Batan town in the province of Aklan wherein the doctor is a native, spoke to Inquirer and expressed that abrupt conclusion might cause a distraction.

“We should not conclude right away because this could be just to divert us from those really responsible,” Councilor Perlas expressed to the source based on the news report.

Photo lifted from Inquirer / Original Source: FACEBOOK (TOTO PERLAS)

Moreover, based on the report, the late municipal health officer’s father expressed that the detail is just that Democer “was a gun-for-hire responsible for many killings” yet “it does not necessarily mean that he is the killer of my son.”

Photo Courtesy of Jun Aguirre / Photo lifted from Inquirer

Based on a previous news report, Democer was shot dead by the joint team of police and military after he tried to escape.

According to Army’s 15th Infantry Batallion Commander Lt. Col. Audie Mongao, the police and military were tasked to serve him a warrant of arrest. The said arrest warrant has been issued against him by Kapatagan Regional Trial Court Judge Alberto Quinto.

Based on the report, the suspect allegedly lobbed a grenade when the arresting team has cornered him. The authorities fired at Democer which led to his death.

According to Police Chief Senior Insp. Melvin Loquinte, it was on Wednesday evening when the barrio doctor was shot while he was driving his motorcycle off to Lala Town.

The police inspector expressed that the people who saw the motorcycle rider drop from his motorcycle initially thought that he had a heart attack.

The police inspector expressed that the people who saw the motorcycle rider, who was later on identified as Dr. Perlas, drop from his motorcycle initially thought that he had a heart attack.

According to  SPO2 Michael Patalinghug, the doctor was shot on the left area of his back.

Princess May Sienes, a resident of Sapad municipality,  took to the social media her reaction to the incident: “Superman Doctor is Dead.”

According to the netizen, the doctor has saved lots of people and is a “big” loss for them.

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