Say Goodbye To Toothache Using These Natural Remedies

These Natural Remedies Can Treat A toothache

Toothache can cause too much discomfort due to unbearable pain caused by different factors, here are some natural remedies that can treat toothaches.

Toothaches is usually characterized by mild to unbearable pain in the teeth and jaws. It is the inflammation of the central area of our tooth called “pulp.” The pulp contains highly sensitive nerves that can easily detect pain.

Inflammation or irritation of pulp can cause discomfort and inconvenience some people suffering from toothaches. It is caused by different factors such as cracked tooth, infection, loose filling, jaw joint disorder, infection, or gum disease.


Most people were visiting their dental experts and doctors from several treatments and medications to get rid of toothaches. Here are some natural remedies that can relieve toothaches but the advice of a dentist was still necessary to avoid further complications.


It contains antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that can help you to kill bacteria and germs, which can cause toothaches. Chewing a raw onion at the first sign of toothaches can relieve the pain.

Warm Salt Water

This remedy can reduce inflammation and swelling of gums. It can also prevent infection. Mix half spoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and rinse it to the mouth thoroughly.


Garlic contains numerous medicinal properties that can help us to treat and prevent different kinds of diseases. It also works as a natural antibiotic, which is very effective in alleviating the pain. Crush a garlic close and mix with some salt, then apply it directly on the tooth.

Pepper and Salt

Both pepper and salt have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial properties. Mix equal amount of pepper and salt, then add a few drops of water. Mix it well until you get a sticky paste then apply it directly to the tooth.


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